get on one's nerves|get on one's nerve in English

aggravate someone; annoy someone

Use "get on ones nerves|get on ones nerve" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "get on ones nerves|get on ones nerve" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "get on ones nerves|get on ones nerve", or refer to the context using the word "get on ones nerves|get on ones nerve" in the English Dictionary.

1. No one's been able to get anything on them.

2. To get by one's own efforts: Acquire proficiency in math

3. See also: bowel, get, uproar evacuate (one's) Bowels To defecate

4. I don't want to get on your nerves.

5. See synonyms for get one's Comeuppance on Receive the treatment one deserves, especially punishment or retribution

6. The achievement of one's purpose depends largely on one's perseverance.

7. A Blot on (one's) escutcheon A stain or mark against one's reputation or that of one's family

8. Nerves get on edge, and heated arguments can develop.

9. True, commands and criticism may get on your nerves.

10. Stand on one's own feet.

11. One's mantle falls on somebody.

12. Stand on one's own legs.

13. This one's on the QT.

14. Get one's Comeuppance Receive the treatment one deserves, especially punishment or retribution

15. 4 It is also written in a kind of breathless journalese that makes one's nerves stand on end.

16. We get on each other's nerves, to put it bluntly .

17. See also: bowel, evacuate get (one's) Bowels in an uproar To become upset

18. Fritter away one's money on gambling.

19. Success usually attends on one's effort.

20. I can tell already you are gonna get on my nerves.

21. Confidence definition is - a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances

22. One's base2, the other one's based on action potential, so you have dramatically more computational power.

23. See: (something) is the straw that Broke the camel's back all hell breaks loose all hell Broke loose be flat Broke bed and breakfast break (one's) ass break (one's) balls break (one's) duck break (one's) egg break (one's) fall break (one's) heart break (one's) stones break (one's) word break (someone's) serve break (something) on (something) break

24. Hello - this one's got a funny stamp on.

25. Reporters don't hesitate to intrude on one's privacy.